Monday, November 3, 2008

monday monday

The count down is officially on for the big trip to Europe. The hubby actually beat me to the list making and yesterday he and our youngest hit the stores to purchase a few necessities for the trip and a few things that were definitely not necessary. That is the danger of letting a man loose at any store...they always come home with more than what was on the list. I never let him go to the grocery store, the budget would be blown for months.

I'm still not finished with the Strongbow saga books, hence no review on that trilogy. I think I have less than 50 pages to go. I really should try and knock that out today. Maybe after I get home from stocking the bookstore. I stopped in there yesterday after I dropped the oldest off at the game she was assigned to referee. Our stocking closet is in a meeting room and it was occupied, so no way to fill the store shelves. I did manage to get quite a bit of 'housekeeping' things done, which will make my job this week much easier.

I also picked up a book called "The Aviary Gate" by Katie Hickman. So far so is a historical novel set in 1599 and the present. Lauren Willig employs this time jump tool in her books also.

Busy week ahead with two soccer games, three practices, three meetings and then all the usual stuff.


Kim Smith said...

I was beginning to worry about you. No post since Thursday! I hope Mama is okay...

EYR said...

Mama is fine...just busy taking care of know the drill.

Kim Smith said...

Yes I do. Bless you my child, bless you.