I juggled dishes, ingredients and family members in order to complete all the cooking for the holiday weekend. I always set an ambitious menu. I never rely on only tried and true recipes. I have to sprinkle in a fair amount of new dishes, just to keep me on my toes and to make the whole endeavor more of an adventure. Luck held out for me and the four new recipes I tried turned out well.
Timing is everything when I take on the task of Thanksgiving weekend meals. I started cooking on Wednesday and wasn't finished until our guests left yesterday. Hubby did help with preparing the Friday night meal as I was at the movies with the kids and the in-laws. Which, by the way, don't bother seeing Four Christmases with Vince Vaughn and Reese Witherspoon. Horrible movie and even their acting skills along with the skills of Robert Duvall, Sissy Spacek and Mary Steenburgen couldn't save it. Oldest daughter gave it two thumbs down.
This week is going to be a busy one, but I have to finish the Christmas gifts for my mom, grandmother and brother. Those genealogy trees are getting done, printed and stuck in the binders I bought two weeks ago.
I'm also going to jot down some story ideas I've had of late. It is better than nothing and if I can't plant my butt in the chair long enough to edit Maddy Blue, I've got to do something. This is getting ridiculous and I'm totally at fault. Liz, thy name is lazy-butt writer.
I can think of a lot more, nuch Nicer names for Liz !
I wish I could think of something nice, new, different and packable to send with the travelers to France this Christmastime. Even Money is complicated, since they have a different system over there.
Ahh... the old slippery chair syndrome eh? I have some glue!
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