Wednesday, November 12, 2008

chatter and the big squeeze

Went with the hubby to the board appreciation shindig last night at our town hall. Glad I did. It is always a good thing to listen to what people are saying and watch who is talking/mingling.

What I did hear was that the budget will be tight this next year, just like in so many households around the country. Sales tax revenue is down. Building permits are down. The list goes on and on. As a result, town spending will be slimmed to meet the smaller revenue stream.

Of course I've known the Library has been asked to turn in a possible budget cut list. Interesting to me that in a time when library usage may increase, library services and staff could be squeezed.

So, keep using your public library....stats don't lie and they will insure that the appropriate piece of the pie is served.

Of course I'm involved with an amazing Friends of the Library group who make the money to provide the icing on the cake for our library. We may be asked for more in the years ahead.

I had a ball yesterday in the store. Lots of little readers as school was out for Veteran's Day. It is always fun to see what folks buy. I sold a Madeline 'big' book...I have two of them at home. Ones I purchased for my girls when they were very small. We were, and in some ways still are, all about the little girl in Paris who did everything in two straight lines! One of my girls even has a Madeline tee shirt she purchased at Delia's!

I also found a book to read....about an urban werewolf in Austin, Tx. So far, it is quite humorous. I managed to pick up the Stephanie Plum books 2-6 plus one of the 'between the numbers' titles to ship over to my Mom. She is still recuperating from her leg/ankle break.

It was a good, informative and full day.


Anne's BLOG said...

A granddaughter gave me a Madeline doll one year. She's so cute! I have often quoted the lines, "In the middle of the night, Miss Clavel turned on the light and said 'Something is not Right'" (I think of that when I wake up too early, too. :-)

Anonymous said...

If the urban werewolf book is good please pass on the title. I am always looking for something to read and I count on you Liz to keep titles coming.
NO fannie packs either while in Europe. Keep money tucked on your person and not always in your purse. I bought a great money holder thing that goes down the shirt (got it at a luggage store). Also talk to your brother about converting money on base. You get a better rate. I am soooooooo excited for you