Thursday, November 20, 2008

the trip to europe

Sort day at the library again, but that isn't what is on my mind.

The weeks are flying by as I try and finish buying what we need for our trip. Hubby and I ordered luggage yesterday. We've never purchased a set before, just used handed down pieces from our parents and a set of fabric pieces I bought at a warehouse sale. We both wanted something more sturdy and on wheels for this trip. Now the trick will be packing. I want to pack fairly light as we will have access to a washer/dryer at my brother's house. My idea of light and the hubby's are usually two very different things. Then add the kids into the mix, well let's just say I hope to have the suitcases packed well before we leave!

I do hope to blog from over there. I know I will have access at my brother's, but not sure on free computers while in Paris and Fussen. I don't mind paying a bit, but we are trying ot stay on budget during this trip. So, posts might be more of a bulk nature instead of a daily diary.

I'm still on the hunt for boots. The pair I ordered from Lands End didn't fit the way I wanted the to. My left foot is a bit longer than my right. If I move up a size, they would be too wide. Bummer. They were nice looking boots.

Procurement day went well. The pantry is full again and I should finish up today at Schnucks after I'm finished at the library.

Got a good coupon in the mail from Barnes and Noble...I may have to check out what I can use it for online. I love giving books for Christmas and each year I give my children a new holiday themed book. We have quite the collection....three books times nine a few I've picked up just because they looked cute and were on sale.

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