Wednesday, November 19, 2008

mid week procurement day

Well, I managed to get my 'to do' list finished yesterday except for dusting and moving the store stats into the excel sheet. I got sucked into and didn't resurface until the oldest arrived home from high school.

And once she arrived, all bets were off. You see, she came home and then two of her friends came over so they could work on their honors geometry together. Uh huh. More gabbing went on about boys than about congruent shapes.

Today is procurement day. Yep, I'm off to the big three: Aldi's, Costco and Schnucks.

I even managed to read a few pages in the Carpe Demon book. It isn't doing it for me...I want to love it and I'm just plowing through. Maybe the premise of the mommy demon hunter just isn't enough of a 'stretch' to be entertaining!! Hits too close to home and as I read to be taken away from my reality....well, it feels like I'm reading a diary:) Although my demons don't have bad breath and they aren't trying to destroy the world.


Anne's BLOG said...

Genealogy can do that... suck you in and keep you spinning until the day is gone. Such Fun!
A while back I saw a brief notice that Aldi's would open a store out here. Have you heard anything about that? Sure would be good to have.
Escaping reality - have you found Anne Rivers Siddons' low country books? They're my ticket to escape.

P.S. between boys and geometry - is that a contest - Really?

EYR said...

I have read Anne River Siddons and thoroughly enjoyed them. She does a wonderful job of capturing the low country life.

I've found some great records on is an amazing resource for govt. records. I've found several marriage licenses for one of my lines. Very exciting!!

No contest with the boys vs. geometry, but as far as I know, you can't earn a grade in 'boys'!!