Tuesday, November 18, 2008

randomness run amok

Of late my life has lacked cohesion. I've been running from one random task to another and unfortunately it is going to continue today. I'm going through daily routine withdrawal. I can feel it in my bones.

In no certain order, I must get the following done today.....

Clean bathrooms
Make new bookstore gift certificates (done by 10:06)
Work on my genealogy project
Do a load of dark laundry (done by 10:06)
Make dinner
Get the girls to their scrimmages ( they may be playing each other, oh my, not good at all )
Get bookstore stats transferred into my excel spreadsheets
Contact the White House Historical Society about why I haven't heard from them on our Garden books (done by 10:06_

I know I'm forgetting something and no, it isn't my writing. I haven't written in the Maddy, Lani or even the untitled twin sisters story in so long I'm not sure I could anymore!!

Like my grandma says...."I've been runnin' around like a chicken with its head off." She'd know about such things as she grew up on a Missouri farm back in the day.


Anne's BLOG said...

I appreciate your dilemma ! That headless chicken is everywhere... here too.

Making lists helps, but even checking off the to-do items gets tedious after a while. I had hoped for a reasonably "quiet week" for a change - but it won't be THIS week after all. Neither will it be next week - with Thanksgiving on the near horizon.

But you know, I am Thankful to be "too busy". How boring it would be if there was Nothing to do!

Travis Erwin said...

Sometimes life simply isn't fun, but here's hoping you get your chores done and still find time to relax.