Monday, November 17, 2008

training day

I will be training new bookstore volunteers today. I believe three ladies will show up as two canceled late last week. I don't like to train more than five at a time, the smaller the class the more time they each have with the cash register.

Doing the laundry was the main focus for yesterday. When I have a busy Monday, I have to get ahead on Sunday and I managed to accomplish that.

I've started reading a new book....Carpe Demon by Julie Kenner. The blurb on the cover says the book is about a demon hunting soccer mom. Tickled my funny bone to read that and I commented to one of the volunteers in the store when I found it, that the book was about me! Not that I've been hunting demons of late, but I have done so in the past:) I have the soccer mom thing down pat.

This afternoon it is back to my genealogy work. My uncle emailed me today with a copy of a WWI draft registration card for one of my great grandfathers. I hadn't stumbled on that gem in my research, so it was a nice addition to my online collection of govt. forms.

I also need to run the vacuum today. The dog hair-fur balls are threatening to take over the house. The change in weather has really ramped up Duke's pound hound is putting on his winter coat.

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