Sunday, April 17, 2011

roasted chicken, white wine and a good book.......

I'm cooking in a different way now that I'm not home to begin dinner preparations during the afternoon hours. Today I roasted two chickens along with potatoes and carrots in a lovely broth seasoned with a variety of herbs and spices. We have plenty for dinner tonight and enough meat to have a Chinese Chicken salad for tomorrow along with some chicken chili later in the week.  Planning ahead, that is my ongoing motto.

The wine comes courtesy of a trip to Costco yesterday. No, our Costco doesn't sell alcohol due to the antiquated liquor laws in our Bible thumping state that professes the Republican mantra of 'free commerce' except when it comes to liquor sales.  The liquor store next door to Costco does a thriving business and now that the warm temps have finally arrived, I picked up a big bottle of Frontera Chardonnay. Can't beat this vineyard/label out of Chile for inexpensive and consistently good product.

While in Costco I also nabbed a great loaf of rosemary and olive oil artesian bread to complete the meal. YUM.

Rachel Morgan has been entertaining me all afternoon as I dove into "Pale Demon" by Kim Harrison. Gosh, I love this series. What is not to adore about a red haired witch who breaks all the rules and still worries about everyone around her? And the fact that each book is a take off on a Clint Eastwood movie doesn't hurt one little bit.

I don't normally blog on Sundays, or the weekend for that matter, but my two weeks of training requires a drive into the city and an early start time. So....until I adjust myself and see how quickly I can move in the wee hours of the day, I might do my blogging at night.  Or maybe not....time will tell.

So, happy Sunday night and happy Monday on the horizon. A new week is upon us.


Kim Smith said...

OMG i am coming to YOUR house to eat!!!

EYR said...

It was quite tasty and totally inspired by a dish we had in Paris two years ago....ahhhh, to be back in the City of Lights. I'm having a bit of a travel bug attack and no relief in sight except for what I can cook.