I adore Kim Harrison and I love her urban fantasy series staring the red haired witch, Rachel Morgan. The latest book in this series is "Pale Demon." I wouldn't recommend reading these books out of order. Go back to the beginning and read each one and let the world building, the character development and the overall plot grow as Harrison intended.
Rachel is on a road trip to the west coast to defend herself against the charges levied by the witches' coven. They've named her a 'demon' and want to banish her to the ever-after for daring to use demon magic/curses in her struggle to stay alive, save her friends and defend the defenseless. Does Rachel truck with demons? Of course she does. Does she have demon smut on her aura for such activities? Absolutely. But when a demon is unleashed that has been held captive under the St. Louis arch for two thousand years, the only witch who has a snow ball's chance in Hell of sending him away is the 'itchy-witch' herself.
All the regulars are in this book and Rachel continues to learn about herself and just what she is and isn't capable of as the story unfolds.
Harrison does a great job, as always, and the ending of this book leaves a smile on your face and a fervent hope that the next book arrives on the shelves sooner rather than later.
Interesting. No wonder you're asking my opinion on the witchcraft book.
My current WIP involves a witch, so I've been reading up on herbal medicine and folk healing methods.
Is the current WIP a YA? The world building that Harrison does is superb, and Rachel does use herbs and such in her witchcraft. Not a lot of herbal craft in the Harkness book.
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