Friday, April 22, 2011

good friday

Where did Lent go this year? I'm having a very difficult time wrapping my head around the idea that today is Good Friday and Easter is on THIS Sunday. Wow.  Those forty days seemed to compress into one week for me and the only thing I can attribute the time compression to is my return to work. The return to paid employment provided  a nice deposit into my checking account today. So glad they managed to get the electronic deposit right considering all of the other electronic/technical problems I had the first few days 'on board.'

The CBT is going....and going....and going.  I went to lunch yesterday with a group and realized several different things about the workforce in this part of the world.  I need to mull such thoughts over for a while before I attempt to blog about them, but rest assured, a blog will be forthcoming on that topic.

Up for the weekend is shopping for food and for prom paraphenalia. The oldest needs shoes and a hair thingy and maybe a necklace.  She has done some prep work and cruised online to find what she thinks she wants. She has been given a budget and is looking in the appropriate stores.

I hope the sun comes out and shines on us as the rain has dominated our weather over the last several days and things are just a bit more squishy than is ideal for Easter weekend. Glad we aren't in the egg hunt age group anymore. You might need water wings to accomplish that activity.

Good Friday to all.....and Happy Easter.


Travis Erwin said...

Some to you. Busy lent for me as I get baptized and take my first communion tonight at the Easter Vigil.

EYR said...

Congrats on your 'entry' into the Catholic Church, Travis. Were you confirmed on Saturday too?