Tuesday, April 5, 2011

the in between time

I watched the first half of the national championship game in the family room, but retired to bed to watch the second half. When Butler had to take all five of their first shots in the second from beyond the three point line, I knew the jig was up. UConn was going to keep them so far away from the basket, Butler wasn't going to have a chance. So, I turned off the light and went to sleep....until 3:00 rolled around.

Middle age just rocks.  Wide awake at 3:00, most definitely the in between time of the day. Not night and not morning, those wee hours that are silent, cold and unforgiving. I've never been a night owl, but my early rising habits are getting to be a bit over the top.

With my life right now, I can take a nap later this morning and be just fine. That might be changing next week. My return to the world of compensated employment might be happening after all. The lady who got me the interview with the bank a few weeks back called yesterday to check on me. I might be getting more phone calls today. I might be starting a new job on Monday. She needed to make some phone calls to her 'people' and things would progress from there.

Life as we've known it for 17 years is about to end and something new is going to replace it. Once we get over the whiplash, we will be fine.

Lots of 'what-ifs' at the moment, but I do know I have lots of books to unpack and place tomorrow, a hair appointment on Thursday and most likely a trip to the mall to purchase some things I purged long ago from my wardrobe. I need to look the part even if on the inside I'd rather crawl onto the bottom shelf of a book truck and get lost in the fiction stacks.

Hmmmm. Is my life in the between time right now? Yep, I'd say so.

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