Tuesday, September 28, 2010


Our temps, like most of the country, have been unseasonably hot well into September. That steamy trend was finally broken over the weekend and the kids left for school yesterday with the thermometer reading a nice number in the 60's. Today it is even cooler, and my laptop weather bug is saying we are at 54. Wooooohoooo.  Cool. Crisp. Fall.

Freezing!!!!!  Yep, we actually heard our darling daughters say they had their heater on full blast yesterday for their morning drive to high school.  It was Freezing. Not Chilly. Not Cool. It was the "F" word.

We've been Southernized.  After 8 years in the south, or as this region is called, the mid-south, our blood has thinned to the point where 62 feels Cold.  Yikes!!

So, how much will out of state tuition cost us to send them back north so they can experience the land of their birth and be reintroduced to the concept of Yankee/Northerner? How much will it cost to let their bodies adapt to the concept that 62 is not Freezing? In fact, 62 is exactly 30 degrees warmer than Freezing and is just a lovely early Fall temperature.

Maybe I should start playing the lottery.

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