Monday, September 20, 2010

reading list

I'm off to the library today to search out some books to read this week. I finished "Magic Bleeds" and came away impressed yet again with the talent that is Ilona Andrews. I really like her (actually it is 'their' as Ilona is a hubby/wife duo) voice and the balance struck between gritty, tough action and character development and interaction.

"The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo" is still on my nightstand and I've managed to read a few more pages and am somewhat intrigued by the novel, finally.  But, I do need to find some other things to keep myself entertained as yard work is still not on the horizon. The temps continue to soar and the rain continues to stay away. I think weeding, at this point, would require a jack hammer or at least a chisel.

I scanned the library catalog and then B&N for some names, new and old.  I'm on the hunt for Shirley Damsgaard's final Abbey and Ophelia novel.  I've put on hold the latest from Casey Daniels.  I've also got two YA books to search for, one from Kirsten Miller  and one from Maggie Stiefvater.

I also put the latest from Phillipa Gregory on hold. Nothing more fun than to throw a little Tudor historical fiction into a mess of paranormal mysteries.

Two soccer games this week. Only one is at home. We've traveled for almost every game so far this season and I will be so glad when that portion of the schedule is over.

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