Thursday, January 24, 2013


I woke up way too early this morning with a pounding sinus headache. Ouch. It is going to be a very, very long day.

Last night I finished my 7th book of the new year. This was another of the free downloads I had loaded onto my Nook.  "The Keeping" by Nicky Charles is a self published paranormal romance. The second novel in a trilogy about the same werewolf pack, this novel was an entertaining read. Nothing ground breaking, but one of the better self pubbed novels I've read. Charles does a nice job with her characters and is continuing to build on the world she has created. I believe I have the third book already on my Nook, so that one will be up next.

Off to get more coffee and some pain relievers.

1 comment:

Kim Smith said...

seven????? oola la. i give up