Wednesday, January 9, 2013

mid week crazies

I woke up to the sound of rain. I knew it was coming, or at least that is what I had read in the paper. Ugh. Ick.  I've enjoyed getting out of the office the last two days and walking. Yesterday the HR manager asked to join and I coerced one of my friends in another department to come along as well. It was  25 minutes well spent.

Work is going to be a bear until we get this magazine off to the printer on February 21. Until then, Ugh. Ick. We are in the not fun portion of this process. The long slog. Yesterday was a rough day and strangely enough, the song on the alarm when it went off this morning was "Everything's going to be all right." I need to keep telling myself that.

The oldest daughter is back on campus. Hubby dropped her off yesterday. Let the second semester begin.

I managed to read another chapter in my Dresden book even after I got sucked into watching two episodes of The Borgias. Showtime has added season one into the OnDemand cue, and I'm enjoying watching Jeremy Irons play Pope Alexander. Of course, my favorite supporting cast member so far has been Niccolo Machiavelli. Had an immediate flashback to high school and my senior year Political Thought class with Mr. Haas. Instead of reading Machiavelli, Aristotle, Socrates, and Plato the kids here take Economics.

Into the mid week crazy we go. Everything's going to be all right.

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