Monday, April 23, 2007

still learning

I entered the hook for my WIP into the fangs, fur, fey contest. This was a huge step for me and I'm happy to report a very positive one. While I didn't move to the next round, I received very positive feedback. I also was reminded not to miss the forest for the trees. I was so concerned about what the hook said, I forgot to focus on how it was said. In other words, I made some stupid grammar and punctuation mistakes. Things that shouldn't happen at this stage of the game. While those types of errors are easy to correct, the judge's comments were a swift reminder about the necessity of proofreading. Lesson learned.

This week will be devoted to preparing for our guests to arrive. I won't be writing. I'm okay with that. My crit buddy reminded me that I want to finish this WIP on a strong note. Don't rush through, savor and focus. Thanks for the advice, K.

Have a good Monday.

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