Tuesday, April 24, 2007


My routine for the week has been tossed out the window. Even the non routine week I planned on Sunday has been ditched. Amazing how one event can disrupt the following five days. The oldest child visited the doctor yesterday. That single event changed the course of the day and in many ways the remainder of the week.

Single events can change the direction of your plot as well. Those pivotal moments, the hinge, can swing the story. After I finish the first draft, as part of the editing process, I need to identify those hinge moments. I think of them as a "choose the path" incident in the story . We all know stories need conflict. Indeed, conflict moves the plot along. How the characters respond to the conflict, the choices they make, those are the hinge moments and they steer the story's direction.

Just random thoughts as I drink my third cup of coffee and get ready to head out for the big grocery shop.

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