Saturday, April 7, 2007


I never found the time yesterday to sit long enough to write my Friday recap. Should tell you what sort of day I had. Anyway, here goes.....

Wrote over 3,000 new words in the WIP.
Decided how I'm ending the sucker.
Worked on my query.
Was asked to be on the steering committee for the new used book store at the library.
Learned that despite the director's best efforts, my part time library PR job isn't going to happen. Discovered 'budget' is a four letter word.
Spread 3 yards of mulch in my flower beds.
Celebrated my 16th wedding anniversary.
Watched my girls play superior soccer.
Had to stand up for my youngest...assert those parental rights, if I don't advocate for him, the system won't.
Continued to lose weight and work out.
Mom came through her first cataracts surgery in good shape.

Quite the assortment of stuff....nice variety and was a good week albeit a busy one.

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