Monday, January 3, 2011

The new year list

Back in my 20's I'd make a list of things I'd like to do in the upcoming year. Not necessarily a list of resolutions, more of a wish list of goals, events and activities. I did that for several years and would squirrel away those pieces of notebook paper in my wallet. Unfortunately, that wallet was stolen in 1992 when hubby and I were visiting the library. Like a dunce I left my purse hanging on a chair while I returned a research book to a shelf. Stupid.

I haven't made a list like that since. Not sure what changed, except we began our family shortly thereafter and my self-focused wish list became 'mommified'.  The focus of my attention took a sharp turn and headed down a road where my goals, events and activities center around the three unique people I parent.

That is not to say that I don't do things for myself. Not at all. I've done some wonderful things in the almost 17 years since I became a mommy.

Last year I set a goal for myself to read 100 books. I fell three books short, by my record keeping. A tremendous effort and a lot of fun. I read a lot of new to me authors and several books out of my comfort zone. I didn't do any fiction writing this past year, but did quite a bit of press release and newspaper writing on behalf of the Friends. And I kept blogging. Almost every weekday.

It is still all about the words for me. If not mine, then others.

As I enter 2011, which officially begins for me tomorrow when the kids head back to school, I'm going to sit down and put together a wish list again. Because writing things down matters.

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