Wednesday, January 26, 2011

mid week melt

Yes, the snow came in last night, preceded by a very rainy day. So, while the white stuff coated all the grassy areas, it did not stick to the streets and the temps never fell to the point where ice formed. The streets and sidewalks are dry this morning. The sun is trying to peek through the clouds as the front moves east. It looks like we could have a pretty morning, made all the better for me as the kids will be attending school today.


Not sure what I will be doing today as I had mentally prepared to have them all underfoot yet again. Now I have a 'free' day to enjoy.

I did start to watch a BBC miniseries via Netflix yesterday. I just love watching those British productions and it is always fun to see actors from major movies like Harry Potter or Lord of the Rings playing other roles. I may watch another episode, I may read a book, I may go out to lunch.

The sun is shining. The day is full of possibilities!  Enjoy.

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