Monday, January 24, 2011

dark road to darjeeling

It is always such a good moment for me when I find an author and a book series I enjoy. When I happened across Deanna Raybourn, I knew we'd have a long reading relationship. Her Lady Julia Grey novels are easy to read, very entertaining and well crafted. Set in Victorian England, these amateur sleuth stories are populated with interesting characters and feature well developed plots. I love the voice Raybourn uses in these novels. Her storytelling is lush and smooth.

In "Dark Road to Darjeeling" Lady Julia is in India with her husband Nicholas Brisbane in order to investigate the death of Freddie Cavendish. The Brisbanes had been on their honeymoon in Egypt when Julia's sister Portia and brother Plum arrived to ask them to investigate this suspicious death.

I look forward to more adventures with Lady Julia and her husband.

Here is to a full week of school for my children. Here is to only rain and no snow. If that happens, I will embrace the dark, gray, dreary skies and not complain about the sun being absent.

I promise!

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