Monday, January 31, 2011

lady lazarus

Book genres are an interesting thing. When I was little, I loved to read anything classified as fantasy. Then at some point, I began reading novels that fell into a darker fantasy vein. Monsters became more intriguing than kind hearted fairies.

I guess I wasn't alone. Urban fantasy burst onto the scene as a subgenre, but has become the driving force in the larger sci-fi/fantasy realm of publishing. Urban fantasy tends to be darker, grittier and the fairies even became bad. 

I stumbled across another new trend in urban fantasy when I picked up Lady Lazarus by Michele Lang. Classified as historical urban fantasy, this novel features a hereditary witch who happens to live in Budapest prior to WWII. Hitler figures into this dark book as well as witches, vampires and demons. I really, really liked the concept, but at times wished the book went a little bit deeper. I wanted to 'play' in this world more than the author allowed. It was a good story. I wanted more. I hope there is a sequel and Lang is allowed to develop this 'world' with more depth and the characters evolve a bit.

In some ways this book could have been classified as a YA novel, and at times it read more for that audience than an adult fiction piece should.

But, those reservations aside, I would ready more from Lang and I'm interested to find out what happens next to Magda Lazarus.

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