Monday, March 31, 2014

finishing up

The weekend was devoted to finishing some things up and getting some things started. Yep. Regular weekend! The hubby was invited to attend the NCAA regional final, so he went and watched Florida beat Dayton. The boy and I had a feast (his words, not mine) and watched "Frozen." We both loved it. A few too  many songs for my liking, but a nice story and how fun to see the main plot be between two sisters?! Then he went  off to do his thing and I watched "The Mortal Instruments..City of Bones." This is based on the YA book series by Cassandra Clare. It was better than I expected and I may get on the waiting list for the books, or see if I can borrow them from the neighbor.

I finished reading Veronica Roth's "Divergent." Another first in a series. More on that later. I also bought and downloaded the 9th After Cilmeri book by Sarah Woodbury. I really enjoy this self pubbed series.

The hubby and I let the ground dry out a bit after the deluge we had Friday and Saturday. We didn't start weeding flower beds until Sunday. The back beds are done and the holly shrubs have been given a haircut as well as the Bartlett pear. I'm going to try and work on the front beds after work today and tomorrow as the rain moves back in on Wednesday. We've decided to cut down the crape myrtles in those front beds. They are huge and a pain in the butt. So, out they come. He got a new chain for the chainsaw and will take care of that soon.

I'm thinking of putting some sort of azalea in their place.

The oldest is back at school and ready to rock the last month of classes. The middle daughter interviews TODAY for the London program. Good thoughts heading her way!!

So, that is it! In retrospect, I guess we started more than we finished!  Happy Monday!

Thursday, March 27, 2014


A gal who owns a local business received a very unorthodox job application yesterday. This was sent to her via an online application/email and opened with "Hire me bitch."

How's that for an opening line? It continues with a "Yo..." and then a list of his qualifications. He then apologizes for the crude opening and states that he wanted to stand out.

He did. She called him. And while she owns the business, she doesn't do the hiring; she leaves that to her manager. She spoke with the young man and shared his story on Facebook. 

It has prompted several comments and replies from the folks in our tiny town. Seems like the sort of story that might go national if it falls into the right hands.

And that is what is happening in my neck of the woods.

Happy darling daughter and her buddy head east tomorrow to visit the other college girl for the weekend before they head back to school. The final  push is about to begin. The race to final exams is on.

They will be back home for the summer before I know it! And, some exciting news...the middle kid made the first round of cuts for the Global Leadership Scholars program and will interview for a spot in the London program. Wow. We are so excited for her and are hoping for the best.

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

midweek freeze

When I let Duke out to get the paper, couldn't help but notice that it is freezing cold outside again. The cars are frosted over and the lawn looks more white than brown. Ugh. I know that some places had snow yesterday.

I think everyone is more than ready for warm days. We are tired of shivering. Brrrrr.

Had a fun lunch yesterday with the ladies and my friends from work. They went shopping after we ate and found some deals out at the mall. I made beef stew for dinner. The registration at the high school was painless. They were very organized.

On the work front, we are having a meeting tomorrow with a new graphic designer. She is a freelancer. We hired her to revamp our bookstore catalog and are thinking of bringing her on board to revamp our preliminary and final programs for the national meeting. That will be a big project. It would be nice to have someone local to rely on for things that we can't do in house.

The next issue of the magazine is heating up; time to start emailing authors and getting back on their radar.

Other than that.....not much to report!

Happy Wednesday!

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

school stuff

The new school system is doing an early registration this week to try and get a more accurate headcount for next year. With the municipal districts coming online, the families who live in our town but were zoned for the high school in the neighboring town have some choices to make. If they all come back...well, the school will be at 140% capacity.

I think we will be a bit overcrowded, but I don't think it will be by that much. Are they going to have to expand? Perhaps. Or, maybe they will reorganize a bit. They have several choices.

But, I need to dig out our proof of residence and the enrollment packet for the boy and stop at the high school after work to stand in line and get him on the rolls for next year.

The ladies are joining me for lunch today! That will be fun and something to look forward to.

Happy Tuesday!

Monday, March 24, 2014

final week of spring break

The oldest, plus her friend, are home and enjoying spring break week. It is the final week for us as the middle child has went back to school and the youngest has now been back for two weeks. We are speeding towards April and then the girls will be home the beginning of May for the summer.

I had a lovely day off from work on Friday. Enjoyed a nice lunch with a friend and did some things around the house. Perfect. The weekend was great. Really nice day on Saturday for strolling around the Square and doing a little shopping. Cooled off a bit yesterday, but still sunny and bright.

We've been watching a bit of the basketball tournament and I'm anxious to see my bracket once I get to work. I coordinated the brackets last year, but one of the IT guys did it this year and it is all online. I forgot to print a copy or bring home the login info to check it, so I'm not quite sure how I'm doing!

Should be a fairly quiet work week. I think the girls will come for lunch one day and then they are heading back towards campus on Friday with a detour to visit the middle one.

Happy Monday!

Thursday, March 20, 2014

ready for my weekend

Today is my Friday. Ahhhhhhh. So nice to know that I will have a three day weekend. I have big plans for tomorrow. Things to do around the house, a trip to the grocery store, lunch with a friend, dinner with the whole family plus the oldest's buddy from school, and then two more days to relax! Sounds just about perfect.

Good Stuff.

Had a nice lunch with the middle kid yesterday. Took her to one of my favorite lunch spots and we had some good food and even better conversation. The department is going out to lunch today to celebrate the March birthdays.

Lot of eating out! Lots of celebrating!


Happy Spring!!

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

daily grind

We all have routines. I get very tired of mine. This month has been a bit routine-less with the kids' three spring break weeks. We've tried to do some different things. Eat out when I'd usually cook. Play some board or card games. Just little things to make the time feel a bit more special.

Next week the oldest will be home for her spring break and as of now, she is bringing her bestie with her. So, I will have two college girls under the roof and the oldest will get to play tour director for a few days and show off our town and the city.

So, my daily grind has been a bit off kilter and that is okay. It is giving me a taste of what the summer will hold.

Happy Hump Day....Wednesday all day long.

Tuesday, March 18, 2014


Although my Grandma Hillsman died back in 2009, I realized a few days ago that today would have been her 100th birthday. I was very fortunate to have my grandparents live as long as they did. They all lived to see me get married and have children. As people postpone marriage and starting their families, that sort of dynamic often gets lost.

I have wonderful memories of spending time with Grandma Hillsman. Her kitchen was a very busy place, both in activity, and in decor. I don't think I will ever see bright orange kitchen cabinets again in my life! She liked bright, loud, patterns and had the personality to carry it off. She loved to tell stories and would keep you entertained for hours. She loved to gossip, although, she would tell you that if it was true, it wasn't gossip!

She knew how to have fun. And she knew how to enjoy life. Hers wasn't an easy one by many standards, but she never seemed to let it show.

I miss all of my grandparents every single day. It never goes away, but it seems to hurt a bit less as time passes by. The good memories become even stronger and more vibrant. Maybe our memories are even colored a bit by the passing of time.

So, Happy 100th Birthday, Grandma H!! Us March girls need to stick together!! xoxo

Monday, March 17, 2014

St. Paddy's Day

Even though the weather was not the best this past weekend, it was wonderful. The middle kid came home for her spring break and we had a great time just being with her. She took her brother and went for haircuts on Saturday. Much needed haircuts for both of them! They look so much better. Then yesterday we went shopping and picked up some 'work' clothes for her. She's planning on trying to find a summer job while she is home this week.

But, today is a holiday of sorts. I plan on wearing green and enjoying the fun that comes with St. Paddy's Day. I would guess we have basketball brackets to fill out at work. I started that activity last year and we will continue it this year. Good team building fun for our department.

Other than that, it will be a short week. I'm taking Friday off and planning on having a fun day with friends and family.

Éirinn go Brách!

Thursday, March 13, 2014

ready for the weekend

Yes, it is only Thursday. I'm ready for the weekend. I'm ready to see my college girl. Next week will only be four days of work as I'm taking my birthday off. I'm looking forward to that. I have also scheduled a Friday off in April so I can make all of my annual doctor visits in one fell swoop. I did that last year and it seemed to work well. I also need to find a dog sitter for Easter weekend so we can head east and spend it on campus with one daughter. The other one will drive up to join us.

All of this spring planning is making the time go by so quickly and when you add into it talk of moving the girls home at the end of the semester, well, it makes things move along at an even more rapid pace.

That is okay. It is all good stuff.

Enjoy the day and the weekend!

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

a storm's a brewin'

The wind is whistling over the house this morning. I think we are in for some ugly weather today.

We have been very unmotivated and restless in our department this week. I think we all have a bit of spring fever and being stuck at work is the last thing the three of us want to be doing. Yesterday was painfully long and I need to get back on track and start getting some of the national meeting work completed now. If my coworker ends up getting her TA-ship at the university, well, come summer, we are going to be in a real pickle.

My boss isn't a planner, so it will be up to me to chart the course for moving forward. Oh joy.

Well, off I go...ready or not. It's Wednesday. All day long.

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

spring break

Our month of spring break has started. The boy is on break this week. The middle kid arrives home Friday for her break and a week after that, the oldest will be back home for her break. No trips planned. Just a real staycation for them.

I am taking one day off, my birthday. Other than that, I will be working through the rest of the month.

We are hoping to spend a few days away from home after everyone is out of school. The ladies will finish early in the month, but the boy won't be done until the end of May. Our destination is undetermined as of yet, but I'm thinking a trip to New Orleans might be neat. We can also see some of the hubby's Louisiana family and perhaps make a swing through Florida to see my folks!

Sound good, Mom? lol

I've wanted to go to NOLA for a very long time, and with the announcement yesterday about the new Lestat book, the urge to visit the place that Anne Rice writes about, is pretty strong. Some beignets, some etoufee, sounds lovely.....

So, I'm keeping my fingers crossed that we can make it happen.

Enjoy Tuesday!

Monday, March 10, 2014

Thursday, March 6, 2014


I had quite a few chores to do when I arrived home from work yesterday. Paperwork chores. Ugh. I needed to register the boy for his second ACT test. He took the exam the first time in middle school as part of a Duke University program. Now, he needs to start taking it for real. He is signed up for the test and it was nice to learn that the June exam is now offered at our high school.

I also had to complete the preregistration packet for our new school district. They are trying to get a handle on just how many kids are going to be filling those seats come August. The problem is that when we were under the county wide system, we had students who live in our zip code attend school in a neighboring town. Those students will now come back to the new muni district. Unless they want to try and stay with their old school, which is in a different muni district. Confusing? You bet. It is a hot mess for those parents who are trying to decide what to do. I'm very glad we are not in that situation.

I have confidence in our superintendent and the school board to do the right thing. They are already on track by voting not to charge tuition to "in county but out of town" students. The neighboring town is charging $200 a kid or $500 a family. A policy that their superintendent and school board president did not endorse or support. They have a divided board and are not helping matters when it comes to the students who live in our town but have started middle and high school in their town. They won't 'negotiate' with our board. Lovely.

Of course the parents involved want someone to act. Make a decision. Clarify things. Patience is running low. And this is just the beginning.

Well, it is Thursday already! Yeah! We are on a mission to eat better at home and at agreement made with the folks at both places. No more junk food runs, M&M stashes, or cookie binges at the office. Smaller portions and better stuff at home. I made mashed, twice baked, cauliflower last night to go with our fish. Tasty. Even the boy liked it!

Enjoy the day and the weekend.

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

day three

Our school system is having their third snow day this week. Yep. When you have a system that encompasses the entire county, and you have a huge metro section surrounded by rural farmland, this is what you get. The country roads are still icy and the city roads are clear. It is not an option to close the outlying schools and have the rest attend. There are folks in the northeast part of the county that are still without power. My hubby's partner came over yesterday to get our generator. They haven't had power since Sunday night.

The boy is home, yet again. He is making good use of his time and reading the driver's manual. It is permit time. Oi Vey.

Everyone was so thankful yesterday for the three day weekend. Got to love a short week. We had our Fat Tuesday celebration at work. We ate up whatever candy, chocolate, treats that were around. All gone now!
I stopped an got cupcakes for dessert and indulged. I had half a lemon drop one and a whole old fashioned coconut one. Delish. The boy had an oreo cupcake and the hubby had a taste of the chocolate cheesecake cupcake.

Lent starts today. Forty days.

Happy Ash Wednesday!

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

day of fun

I had a very fun day yesterday. Winter Storm Titan moved through our region leaving some nasty ice/sleet/snow. Schools closed and a fair number of businesses closed, mine included. So, I had a snow day on Monday! I was able to clean, get groceries, and talk with my friend for 90 minutes.

It was wonderful.

We spent Saturday in the car going down and back to Ttown. We took the oldest out to lunch for her birthday. It was nice to have 7 hours to chat with the hubby, but nothing got accomplished on the home front and Sunday went by without much being done.

I also read a good deal yesterday and got caught up on the TV shows I had missed. I really need to think about paring down the series I am invested in right now. I rarely watch network TV, but I am hooked on the seasonal series that HBO and some of the other channels offer.

Okay, so off to work I go on this Fat Tuesday. Have to think of something fun to do today before Lent begins. We will need to have a treat of some sort. Maybe a Target run at lunch!
