Monday, April 2, 2012

on the nightstand

I met the Friends' president last week to show her how to log into the website, constant contact account and our yahoo email account. We went over a few details and have agreed that we will meet again to create the May newsletter later this month. The best way to learn our emailed newsletter service is to use it, so that is what we will do.  I can also have her edit the website at the same time.

This is all in preparation for IF I return to work full time. If I don't, well, it is always good to have a backup person.

While I was at the library waiting for her to arrive, I found three books to check out. "The Thirteen Hallows" by Michael Scott and Colette Freedman, "A Parliament of Spies" by Cassandra Clark, and "Death of Kings" by Bernard Cornwell.

I adore Cornwell's historic novels and for some reason, the name Cassandra Clark is ringing a bell with me. I may have read another book from her, once I dive into the new title, I might recall which one.  Lots of reading to do in the next 14 days!

Enjoy the week. Going to be a crazy one around here. Happy Monday.

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