Tuesday, April 3, 2012

on again, off again, prom again

First off......both soccer girls are going to prom this year. We scored an amazing dress online for the oldest; it was on sale and then I got another 25% off. So, a $240 dress wound up being under $90 with FREE shipping. Yippee! One dress down, one to go.

Yes, the younger daughter got asked last night. The young man doing the asking marshaled some support from one of my daughter's friends and they came up with a very cute way of popping the prom question. Those familiar with The Hunger Games might recall a scene where Peeta tosses Katniss a partially burned loaf of bread.  The loaf tossed at my daughter last night had a piece of yard tied around it with a hand written note, "PROM?"

She loved it and said yes. Her obsession with the Hunger Games isn't anywhere near the level of her fixation on HP, but she is quite taken by the books.  Looks like Friday will involve lots of dressing rooms and lots of dresses.

In work news......I arrived at the office yesterday and learned that the BOD has some members who are wanting to put the brakes on the new magazine concept. The director called the department and told them to hold off on making any appointments with anyone about interviewing for the new position.

This news didn't make my happy or sad. Frankly, I sort of expected these types of roadblocks/hurdles. Nothing every goes smoothly and nothing is guaranteed to go smoothly when you are talking nonprofit association management.

Later in the afternoon the assistant executive director stopped in to talk to me. He wanted to make sure I was still interested and said they'd be setting up a 'formal' interview for this week or next. Hmmmmm. Okay!  Guess the ruffled feathers were smoothed and things will be moving along after all.


Lisa Shafer said...

Wow. That's a lot of money for a prom dress. I recall feeling guilty that my wedding dress cost my folks $300.00.
Fortunately, when I was in high school, fancy prom dresses were not in. Girls always tried to buy dresses they could wear to church later. (I guess we were super-practical, but that's what was in style.) I recall my homecoming dress for my junior year was also my dress for my senior yearbook photo. And I wore it to church a LOT. (Cost: $27.00. :))

EYR said...

Guess it is all relative...when the girls have friends spending $3-400 on a dress, anything under $100 seems inexpensive!

Kim Smith said...

oh how well i remember those days! and vocal comps with formal dresses - and costumes for plays ! eek!