Sunday, April 15, 2012

a blur of books

The preview sale was a lot of fun. The majority of our customers were gone by 6:00 and we were all able to visit and relax a bit before we closed down shop at 7:00.  Friday was crazy! By the time we opened at 10:00 shoppers and library patrons were parking on the streets surrounding the library as the parking lot was full. They were even parking across the street at Town Hall! The day started off crazy and while it did settle down a bit, foot traffic remained steady for the entire time I was there. I finally left at 3:00.

So, I put in a good 9 hours of volunteer time for this sale. And unless I take a PTO day, I will not be at the Fall Sale.  I got the call on Friday morning and accepted the full time job in the communications department. I'm not sure when I will be starting my new position, but I do know I have a lot to wrap up with my current job before I move to the other side of the building.

I'm excited and nervous. I will only be working an extra 13 hours a week, but I know very well how much I get done in those 13 hours at home.

So, some adjusting is going to have to happen. I have some thoughts on how to keep all the plates spinning here at home. The extra money is more than welcome not only for the kids' college expenses, but it will also allow us to do some things around the house we have put off for a long time.

So, onward and upward. Happy Sunday Monday post.