Thursday, June 9, 2011

my friday is here

My Friday has arrived. I'm liking a four day work week. Sweet!

Netflix sent us True Grit yesterday, so I know what movie we will be watching this weekend. The boy and I went to Aldi yesterday and bought some groceries. I watered my tomatoes and have a big one that is already turning red. The girls entertained me with stories from VBS and the oldest decided she could never be a kindergarten teacher.
I realized yesterday I had been thinking of my friend Anne quite a bit and when I arrived home and checked email I learned that yesterday was the one year anniversary of her fall. She went into the hospital and was never able to come home again. I think of her while I'm at work and wish she was here so I could share my thoughts about my new job.

There is a song on the radio now that has the verse in it : the sharp edge of a short life.  Great line, but the older I get, the more I realize that all life is short. Some are shorter than others, but by no means is life long enough.

Guess that is why it is important to enjoy each and every day. Smile. Laugh. Relish the experience.

And enjoy Friday when it comes on Thursay!!


Elizabeth said...

can't wait ro read dirty rotten tendrils, myself! Had bratwurst today and was wondering wondering what your menu is looking like :) and so came to visit your blog, It is delightful, as always!

I loved your friend Anne too, she always had the nicest comments!

EYR said...

Elizabeth, my menu is still a constant in my kitchen, even with my return to the workforce! I think brats are up for to grill out in the summer. Hope you are well!!