Wednesday, September 10, 2008

loitering viruses

Kim, bring on the chicken soup, babe. This cold is a doozy. I can't remember the last time I've been down for three days with anything!

Whatever virus found its way into my body, it has decided it really likes the place and is staying for a spell. Current place of residence, my throat and upper respiratory tracks.

The only good thing I've done, other than slog through my three hour shift yesterday, is to reread all the Sookie books. I'm on book four as of last night. That series is such a joy to read. Makes me want to write again....if I could stop hacking, blowing, sniffing.

Which reminds me, I need to disinfect my laptop. Lysol wipes, here I come.


Kim Smith said...

aw. here i was all blue and sad wallowing in my own mess and you are over there all puny--i sowwy :(

EYR said...

What sort of mess have you got going on, girl?