I checked out Paris for Dummies yesterday at the library. Yep, we have our tickets to Germany and we have a hotel lined up for Paris. My brother is taking care of other details of this trip for us including the leg of it we are spending down towards Salzburg.
So our itinerary is such...arrive in Frankfurt, collapse. Get up the next day and visit Triere. Collapse. Get up again and visit Strasbourg, come home and collapse. Enjoy Christmas. Get on a plane or train and head to Paris. Paris, Paris and then back home. Get in the car and drive to Garmish, Salzburg, Neuschwanstein etc...have New Years...get back home. Rest and repack. Catch a plane back to the States and resume normal life. We will be gone exactly two weeks on this trip and I'm already thinking of how to pack, what to pack etc. I feel like I'm coordinating a small military campaign. I've read Rick Steves travel blog boards until my eyes crossed.
This is the trip of a lifetime and I don't want to blow it! Good grief, why do I put so much pressure on myself to make sure everyone has a spectacular time??
I'm sure I've spelled the names of the town wrong...I need more coffee.
this sounds so fab. you just gotta take the laptop and blog about it!
Ok. Where are you spending christmas...if in Garmisch letme know. There is a great restaurant in Partinkirchen that is fab for christmas dinner or just dinner. I'll email you the name. Also you don't have to worry about people having fun. Its a given with the sites. Try to get to the christmas markets,they are great. Neuremburg has the best.
OHHHH I am sooooo excited for you (jealous too but in a good way).
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