Friday, September 5, 2008


Short week with the holiday, but a very busy one. The oldest kid won both soccer games and as a result of the lopsided competition was able to work on receiving drop passes from the defense and putting the ball back into the field of play.

I read a couple of books and started a new one, "The Lady Elizabeth" by Alison Weir. So far so good, but I'm a sucker for historical fiction.

Didn't do any of my own fiction writing, but I did manage to get a few more words down on the column for Kim.

Made multiple meetings for the Friends with the final one coming this morning. I also get to read to the youngest kid's class today.

Up for the weekend, more soccer of course...going to be a good one weather wise as Gustav is long gone and is now dumping rain up in our old neighborhood.


Anonymous said...

So I cannot wait until Sunday. I have the DVR set up to record anything related to True Blood! I'm so excited that I can't contain myself.
Course in response to your other blog about cutting expenses I guess I should turn in my DVR but with no outings to the movies or dinner out so little expenses are necessary.
Let me know what you think True Blood

Anonymous said...

So I cannot wait until Sunday. I have the DVR set up to record anything related to True Blood! I'm so excited that I can't contain myself.
Course in response to your other blog about cutting expenses I guess I should turn in my DVR but with no outings to the movies or dinner out so little expenses are necessary.
Let me know what you think True Blood

Kim Smith said...

NB is guest blogging today for Mentor Monday on the Sisters in Crime Yahoo. group... I will follow it and let you know what goes on.

Hope to get in some writing today. watch the meter go up!