We have two projects underway in the house and I'm not sure which is worse. The middle kid is busy trying to do her AP/Honors summer work and the oldest is busy trying to finish up her sorority rush recommendation efforts.
I think the oldest has her project well in hand, at least for the moment. The golden number of two solid recs for each of the 16 houses at her university is in sight. Yahoo.
The middle kid is working while complaining about her essays, books and all the other assorted tasks that come with 4 AP classes during a senior year. I tried to forewarn her about packing her schedule like that and the amount of work that would be required during June and July, but my concerns were shrugged off. Sort of like how I am shrugging off her complaints! Suck. It. Up. Soccer. Princess.
I have delivery duties this week. The youngest has to be taken to a drop off/pick up point for science camp. Luckily it is in the vicinity of my office, so, it isn't bad duty, but it does mean I have to leave 30 minutes earlier than I'm used to doing.
So, on that note, we shall all continue to run amok towards month end and get ready, sort of, for July.
Over and out.
Recommendations for sorority rush?????
Wow. Back in the day, they were just so hungry to get members and their money that they were desperate for anyone! Weird to think that they're picky now. Huh.
I only lasted one term in my sorority. As soon as they started demanding that I hand over my tests and papers so that other girls could "study" (aka "cheat off of") my work, I told them where they could stick it and was out the door. It was a "requirement" of the sorority to hand over your work for a huge cheating file. I found that disgusting.
Times have changed I guess...rush, at least in the South, is UBER competitive. I was sort of surprised she wanted to do it, but she is going in with the attitude that it will be one way to meet a ton of people in short order. And, she also gets to be on campus one week earlier than everyone else. I've heard of those 'study' files before. I hope she doesn't run into any issue like that - I'm sure she will be facing plenty of other ones.
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