Monday, June 11, 2012

cramming it all in

Take 5 doctor appointments last week for the crew, add in graduation party preparations, throw in work, chores and other assorted regular activities and you have one tired Liz come Sunday. I slept or napped most of yesterday in order to be recharged for the middle kid's wisdom teeth extractions today.

Oy vey.

She is home resting comfortably, and I am making an assortment of soft foods for her. I plan on returning to work tomorrow as the oldest kid will be home to play nurse and administer pain meds and antibiotics at the appropriate times.

The party went got off to a very slow start, but once folks started to arrive, it was a lot of fun. Next year it will be the middle kid's turn and as a lot of the folks at this year's event will have seniors next year, we are already talking about throwing one huge party for those four girls.

Off to work on laundry, serve up some chicken noodle soup and check on my patient.

1 comment:

Lisa Shafer said...

Wow. Good luck with all that. My sympathies to the wisdom teeth patient.