After hubby left campus late in the afternoon, he gave me a call to report on how the day had gone for him and for the oldest. He said he didn't feel overwhelmed, but he was tired of sitting in meetings all day. They had meetings about everything under the sun, well, at least everything under the sun that pertains to becoming a freshman at a major SEC university.
The kid will pick her classes today and maybe some of the information her Daddy has passed along will help organize her approach to that process. For example, keep a 'work' like schedule. Think about if you really want to be in class all day on Friday during football season. Ha ha.
She's already learned how two classes can drive your entire semester. She wants to take Honors Calculus (yuck) and that class meets Monday through Thursday for one hour each day. Everything else will need to work around that selection. Her other main class is an engineering course that is also only offered at a certain time.
In many ways, the hybrid block schedule she has juggled for high school will serve her well when it comes to college. She is use to the M,W,F and T,TH class arrangement. But, high school had a bit more flexibility when it came to getting certain classes worked into your schedule.
I spoke with her for a few minutes yesterday while they were on their lunch break. She told me that even though she didn't know any of the people in her orientation group, she felt very comfortable and she felt confident that she chose the right university. Whew.
Last night after the hubby left, she had all sorts of social activities to attend. I wonder if she even slept last night!
They will be home later today and I will get a full report from each of them.
Enjoy the glad it is Wednesday!
Such exciting times Liz!!
Hmmm.... My high school classes always were worked around the singleton classes. There was a huge problem for the juniors the year they scheduled Intro to Calculus and Junior Choir during the same time period!
I remember thinking that college scheduling was actually easier, as classes were taught at many different times. However, I do recall that Culture and Customs of Spain, taught Weds. nights from 7:15 to 10:15, was really difficult to get through the last hour each week. :)
Glad things are going well.
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