Tuesday, May 22, 2012


The special moments continue to roll into our lives. The senior awards ceremony was last night and the oldest received a scholarship named in honor of the principal who led her high school during her years there. He recently took an assistant superintendent's position with the county system. It was one of 10 she applied for. We went into that whole process with the thought that if she got just one, it would be worth it. Well, she did and it will be a nice boost to her bursar's account.

She also received a 'signed' letter from President Obama, a special ACT 30 and Above paper weight, a special President's Academic Excellence pin, an award for best Senior Art I student, and recognition for the 11 honors classes and 4 AP classes she took during the past 4 years.

I'm so proud of her! Tonight she will walk across the stage at the area's mega church (Six Flags over Jesus). She will get to walk in the first group as the top 10% graduate first. Then we will watch the other 400 plus students make that same walk.

What an exciting day! I can't believe this moment is here! I can't believe we get to do this again next year for the middle kid! Unreal. Unreal.

I must remember to breathe and enjoy the moment. We took her out for a special dessert last night after we finished at the high school. A beautiful, talented and well rounded young woman sat across the table from us. We've done what we can do as parents to get her to this point and now it is her time to FLY.


Kim Smith said...

I remember this day. I cried both times and prayed a lot. The next four years will AMAZE you :)

Lisa Shafer said...

"Six Flags Over Jesus" * giggle, snort*
Congrats on the scholarship! That's really great. :)

We have our honors night at the junior high this week, and we also end up giving out bucketloads of those Presidential Academic Fitness awards -- which is good, as it means we have lots and lots of kids who qualify (grades + test scores). But it's such a pain handing everything out to such a long list of kids. Last year we just read off their names, brought them to the front for applause, and then told them they could pick up their certificates at a table in the hallway after the rest of the awards ceremony was over. Much better. Whew.
thankfully, we're doing that system again this year.