In the trashy world of reality TV, a young woman named "Snooki" seems to have cornered the market on overexposure. She almost makes me long for the days of Paris Hilton dominating the TV screen. Reality TV has come a long way from the first few episodes of Survivor, Real World etc. It appears, from the few minutes I allowed myself to watch Jersey Shore, that putting 'it' all out there just isn't enough. Now you invent stuff to put out there and the more outrageous you can act or react, the more your ratings go up and the longer that 15 minutes of fame can last.
It is a less bloody version of the Roman arena.
Just how much do you share with people? I'm a fairly open person. Ask and you shall receive. I don't withhold information. I do however, tailor answers depending on the audience. Sometimes blatant honesty is called for and other times the response can be a bit less detailed. I took the blatant approach yesterday during a few phone calls regarding the 'bird in hand' I discussed in yesterday's blog. As a reward I was told to call back when my situation is resolved and I was back to 100%. The same spot might not be available, but other spots would be and I would be a candidate.
That is a good thing. Did I take a 'Snooki' approach? Hmmm, not really, but I didn't fib, lie, exaggerate or string anyone along. I shared exactly how I felt, my fears and my concerns and received encouragement in return.
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