Friday, March 11, 2011

funerals, baptisms and the breaking of spring

While the hubby and two girls were off to a local 'mega' nondenominational church for a funeral, I stayed home with the boy. He is left to his own devices too often when soccer season is underway and I opted to stay home with him and send my condolences along with the rest of our family. The father of one of the middle kid's teammates died, unexpectedly, of a heart attack at age 48.

This event has hit our girls hard. There comes the moment in all our lives when we begin to realize that we aren't invincible and that those around us aren't either. We all will die. Some after a long illness, others when we least expect it.

Seeing their peer deal with the death of her father has made them feel vulnerable. If it can happen to her, it can happen to me. Tears have been shed. Kisses doled out. Hugs are lasting a bit longer. This is a tough one.

While they were gone, the little neighbor girl brought over an invitation to her baptism. This family is LDS and we have attended the baptisms for two of their three other children. I showed my family the invite when they returned home and we discussed if we could make it. We have a big soccer tournament this weekend and will be dividing and going in several different directions. But, no matter what church you may put your faith in, baptism is an affirmation of life and rebirth and a few of us will be attending this little girl's special day.

Funerals. Baptisms. Spring Break right around the corner. March.

Perhaps this month's label is very fitting this year. I do feel like we are on a 'march' of some sort. Where we are headed is very unclear, but we are marching, each and every day.

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