Tuesday, July 1, 2008


I'm still on a Stephanie Plum reading spree. Yesterday afternoon I cracked open Eleven on Top. Chances are good I will finish it today. A library friend told me these books are like crack for the brain. I totally agree, understand and support that notion. I'm already working on a plan to obtain numbers 13 and 14 from our stocking closet. The last few books I've borrowed from our library have come complete with broken bindings, a weird perfume smell and assorted dried food remnants and stains. Yes, the books are well read and because Stephanie eats her way through the plot, the reader is ensnared in the need to eat tastykakes, pizza, subs and a variety of baked goods. I think I've gained 5 pounds since I started reading these just from the power of suggestion and my lack of will power. Good thing I walked my version of Bob the dog this morning.

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