Wednesday, June 11, 2008

odds and ends

I'm in a sort of rambling mood this morning. When that happens, I usually make lists to help focus on what I should be doing during the day. Figured, here was as good a place as any to start my list.

Talked with one of my volunteers yesterday. She wants me to write an article for submission to Southern Living or some similar magazine about the success of our bookstore. We have a shot at making over $30K this year. Unreal. We brainstormed about it, and I may work on that today.

The oldest kid made the soccer team of her choice for the competitive season and got the feedback that in the coach thinks, she is one of the top three goalies in her age group in the area. Woot!

I need to email my volunteer coordinator and let him know I want to split the Tuesday morning shift starting in August with our current worker. She needs a break and I need more of a routine so I'm not running over there more than I should.

The B&N issue has developed in regards to one of our mayoral candidates. Could the whole thing have been staged? Rumor has it, YES. Oh, and "bibliographic science" isn't a recognizable term when writing about every 'bell and whistle' in the library. Good grief. We wouldn't want an up to date and technologically current library because that would mean a better chance of having an educated electorate. Harder to fear monger folks who can read and research.

Managed to get in and out of the hospital yesterday in a half hour. Wow. Nothing serious, just the annual check the ta-tas appointment. On a positive note, middle daughter had to go with me as I wasn't wasting the gas to drive her home. She sat in the waiting room and had barely opened her book when I was done. Good to show them that taking care of yourself is important.

Speaking of wasting gas, has anyone besides me started to drive less and do without instead of making a mad dash to Schnucks or Target?

Next week is the big stock up at Aldi trip. I can't wait until they build one in our fair town. Will save me a 15 minute drive on the bypass. The drive is worth it as I buy enough pantry stuff to last a month, but I will relish a 5 minute trip when the new store opens.

Started Joe Konrath's "Whiskey Sour" yesterday. I love it already. Hey, a female police detective named Jack Daniels. How cool is that. I also love the idea of naming all the books after drinks. What a clever hook.

The paper is here. The dog is whining to go and retrieve. That is it for now.


Kim Smith said...

I am so glad you discovered Jack. Great character! The author is fab too, by the way, and you need to bookmark his site. great info there.

I smell the coffee... I feel the urge to open Word and begin a new one. Lord, help us.

EYR said...

Start the new one...go for it. S&D on their way to Alabama. Seems like forever ago, it was at least a year,since we plotted that book.

Anonymous said...

You have Schnucks in Indiana? I didn't think they had franchised that far.

EYR said...

Dwight..I grew up in Indiana aka Hoosier land...but I live in the midsouth now.