Monday, January 20, 2020

Free advice

My office is closed today to observe Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. The holiday snuck up on me even though I was very much looking forward to having an extra day off. Several memes, themes, and posts on social media berating those who support this administration's policies to not post thoughtful images about MLK. I agree. Hypocrisy abounds.

Today I have a meeting where I'm offering an hour's worth of free advice to my hubby's company regarding their social media and digital communication presence. It is a means to an end. When I leave my current position, being able to contract these services to them would provide an income stream and flexibility.

I send a PowerPoint over last week and that will provide a framework for the discussion. It should be an interesting hour. Then, afterward, we will head to lunch. I'm sure the table talk will also include topics related to my presentation.

Today's positive: Being reminded about how far we have to go through thoughtful posts about MLK and his legacy.
Today's goal: Provide solid advice.

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