Monday, January 11, 2016

back to our regularly scheduled programming

And, just like that, winter break is over  for the ladies and they are back to school. It was so nice to have them home and the month was filled with family dinners, fun times, and lots of chatter. The house will seem so quiet from now on as it takes a while to adjust to this version of normal.

The temps have dropped here and it feels like winter. When it is 22 in the morning, that blast of cold air wakes you up better than coffee.

I'm reading my 3rd book for the year, Rachel Caine's "Ink and Bone." Feels like the first original YA novel I've read in a while. Of course, the whole lot of books I had on hold through the library's e-book system are now becoming available, so I need to read more quickly or release the holds I've placed. I think I have two ready for download now. Feast or famine it seems.

And here is Monday. Not quite ready, but off I go.

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