Tuesday, April 29, 2014

in which I bruise my nose

I have a big bruise across the bridge of my nose. Lovely.

Yesterday, after I got home from work and errands, I thought I'd run a quick load of laundry. I was also making dinner, checking the storm path (3 years ago UA was hit with a killer tornado and I wanted to make sure this system wasn't headed for Ttown), and doing other typical afternoon chores.

The sheets I had in the washer were finished and as I went in the laundry room to throw them into the dryer, I noted to myself that all the clothes hanging over the two appliances needed to be taken to the appropriate closets.

I lifted the lid of the washer, forgot to move the shirts aside hanging over the lid, and as I bent down to get the sheets, WHACK. The lid came back down, pushed by the shirts, and my nose bore the brunt of the impact.

I let out a screech. The boy came running. I let go of some choice cuss words, and the sheets.

Only. Me.

I immediately grabbed some ice cubes and started to ice down my nose. Then came the ibuprofen. Then came witch hazel compresses.

Yikes. Klutz. Klutz. Klutz.

Washing Machine: 1
Liz: 0

Monday, April 28, 2014

end of the semester

The ladies begin finals week today. Wow. The year zipped by and they will both be back home on Friday. Hubby is heading east to get the middle kid and the oldest one took a car back with her after spring break, so she will be moving out on her own this time.

We are very excited to have them with us for the summer and can't wait to see them!!

I stayed home all weekend. Truly. I got home Friday at 3:45 and haven't left the house. The cold/sinus nastiness seems to be abating and I don't think, at this point, that it will morph into a sinus infection. I feel pretty good this morning. A bit better each day, so by Wednesday, I should be almost back to normal. I did quite a bit of reading and need to recap the books I finished. Perhaps tomorrow.

I have a library board meeting this week and we have the end of the year banquet for the Theater-Debate department.

It is going to be a busy one and with the spring storms we are having, a bit of a wet one.

Looks like we dodged the worst of it yesterday, but Arkansas and Oklahoma got hit.

Off into Monday I go. Enjoy your day.

Thursday, April 24, 2014


I wound up staying home yesterday. My throat was killing me, I was exhausted, and I felt a major head cold coming on. Today I'm up and moving, sort of, after sleeping most of the day yesterday.

I need to go to work as I don't have any more PTO to burn. I so wish we had 3 sick days a year that we could use. People come to work sick all the time so they don't have to use their vacation time...and then we all get sick. UGH.  Vicious cycle.

But, I'm not feverish. Just have a major sinus headache and the stuffy nose and tiredness of a cold. So, I'm going in and going to see if I can last all day.

While I was awake yesterday, I did finish reading "The Pagan Lord" by Bernard Cornwell. He's such a good writer and I love his books. This one was another great addition to Uhtred's story. Our warrior is nearing 50 years old in this story, but he is still up for a good battle or two or three.

Glad it is Thursday.

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

sore throat

Ugh! Sore throat time. I'm not sure if it is allergies or a cold, or both. Yuck.

Wishing it was Friday.

Off I go.

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

mercy and uhtred

Among my favorite urban fantasy heroines, Mercy Thompson Hauptman is one of my faves. Patricia Briggs writes the Mercy books and I'm never disappointed with her storytelling. I believe "Night Broken" is the 8th book featuring the shapeshifting female mechanic. She turns into a coyote, by the way...her father is Coyote. Yep, the native American trickster god.

This time Mercy and her pack (werewolves...she is married to the alpha) take on a volcano deity. Don't try and dive into this world with book 8. Start at the beginning. Briggs has created a complex world and each book reveals new layers, new supernatural creatures, and new aspects of Mercy's personality.

Always a good read.

Up next is the latest book from Bernard Cornwell. I love his Saxon Tales featuring Uhtred. It opens with Uhtred causing a major ruckus when his oldest son becomes a priest. Always entertaining and always well written.

I have some 'new to me' authors to check out once I finish the Cornwell book. I'll keep you posted.

Happy Tuesday!

Thursday, April 17, 2014

london calling

The middle kid got the email yesterday. She has been accepted into the global leaders program and will spend next spring semester in London!!!!!

She was still in a state of shock when she called me. I wonder if it has sunk in yet? This is so exciting! What an amazing opportunity. She will not only take a semester's worth of classes, she will also intern with a company based in London, or she will work in Parliament!! OMG!!

Another super neat thing is that my best friend's daughter will be in Paris at the same time and that young lady's cousin will be in Austria. Road Trip!!

Plus, one of her sorority sisters who got in has family in Germany! Road Trip!

Studying abroad was something the hubby and I didn't do, so yes, we are totally living vicariously. I own that right now.

We are thrilled for her and so happy that we can help her take this opportunity.

AND, the oldest called and said her grades are looking spectacular for this semester. She is quite pleased with herself and is in really good shape GPA-wise going into the final exams.

AND, both ladies will be home soon for Easter!!

Yes, I'm still stoked, excited, floating, crazy-happy.  Wow. Wowsa.

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

at least it isn't snow

It is cold, windy, and damp. At least it isn't snowing like it did in some places. Brrrr. I don't believe it got to freezing, but it is only 39 outside. Looks like I can wear my cords one more time before I put them away for the season.

The website work went well yesterday. We are back on track, I hope. I will be working on another section today.

In other news, our department will be changing at the end of the summer. My coworker was able to secure a teacher assistant gig at the university. She has started her PhD work, and the gig will provide a stipend, cover her tuition, and get her in a classroom. So, off she goes! She is hoping to continue to be the copy editor for the journals, but it would be contract work and that has to be approved. Not sure how the Director is going to feel about this proposal. Either way, the boss and I will have some changes to deal with in a few months.

Right in time for our National Meeting work to really hit full speed. Lovely.

I'm excited for her, but not looking forward to this transition.

Happy Tuesday!

Monday, April 14, 2014

short week

It's going to be a short week. Yeah!

The boy and I have Good Friday off. The girls will be home from school to enjoy Easter weekend with us. Looks like hubby's sister and her hubby will drive down for the weekend. So, I've already started to figure out what we are eating and when. Let the procurement begin!

Had a nice weekend. Managed to get quite a few things done while the hubby and the boy were over in Nashville for the speech and debate state championships. The boy did really well! He had never competed in the Congress category before, but he was a finalist in the Senate portion!! His coach and his former coach were thrilled with his results. Several of our seniors earned first places in their competitions. So, all in all, I think we had 7 of the 18 students earn recognition.

Hubby was also able to meet the teacher the boy 'works' for as an assistant during his study hall period. She supervised the learning lab and he works as a tutor. She was very complimentary of him and said she is hoping she can have him back as her helper next year!

Always good to hear nice things about your children.

We have two final things to do for the speech team: vote in next year's officers and attend the banquet. Then the plans for next year will begin!

Okay, off we go. Lots to do in the next 4 days. Better start making my list. Enjoy Monday.

Thursday, April 10, 2014


Drawing a major blank today. Nothing comes to mind for comment, concern, complaint, compliment or any other 'c' word I can think of right now!

All is well. Looks like it will be a pretty day here. Typical stuff on the front page of the paper.

So, enjoy today and catch you next week! Happy Thursday.

Wednesday, April 9, 2014


First article to hit my line of sight this morning was one informing us that the granddaughter of a major hotel chain founder is coming home to marry a London nightclub owner and several royal guests are expected to attend. Home would be the big city next door.

Are Wills, Kate, Harry, Beatrice, Eugenie and Harry's gal pal, Cressida descending upon the "Buckle of the Bible Belt"? Will they really land a royal jet in the home of slow cooked, wet/dry barbecue? The home of the Rock-n-Roll and American royalty, Elvis?

Who knows! But it is sort of fun to think about it.

Happy Wednesday. Hump Day is here. Thank Goodness.

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

cooking bacon

We had some bacon left from the weekend, the yummy, applewood smoked, thick cut bacon. So, I'm frying it up for a morning treat!

I can't count the times we've had cooking discussions at work when the use of bacon grease comes up. The southern contingent, of course, keeps containers filled with the drippings in their fridges. They are always a bit stunned when I say I have always done the same. Then when I follow it up with how great it is with green beans, corn bread, and even popcorn, well, it is fun to watch the look of confusion cross their faces. How can the Yankee, with the Chicago accent, know anything about bacon grease???

Folks like to think they are original and that their region is so unique that no one else in the country can cook, garden, sew, craft, party (whatever) like they do. Many of them just don't understand how people move, relocate, travel, and are open to taking their traditions with them. Or, perhaps they are open to learning new things.

Hubby is over in the eastern part of the state today. So, no bacon for him, but the drippings will be waiting in an old mug in the fridge for some amazing cooking later on.

Good Morning! Happy Tuesday!!

Monday, April 7, 2014


The hubby and I celebrated 23 years of marriage on Sunday! Whoop!! We had a really good weekend. Had fun, worked on some projects, enjoyed a great meal (or two), and heard from the girls and our parents. Perfect!

I finished reading "The Paladin Prophecy" by Mark Frost. Frost is not only a novelist, he is also a screenwriter. He worked on shows like Twin Peaks back in the day. He also worked on the Fantastic Four movie(s). "Paladin Prophecy" was a decent read. A  major plus for the novel is that the main character is a boy. In YA having a boy protagonist is sort of rare. This is the first in a series and the second novel is already out. I don't think I will be reading the new one, but I may suggest them to my son.

In other news, we finished the cleaning out the flower beds! Well, at least round one is finished. I need to move, thin, reallocate, and prune some things. That will have to wait until later this week. It rained again yesterday afternoon and all night. Mucky, mushy, muddy mess out there this morning. Poor Duke. He is constantly getting his paws wiped off.

Well, it is Monday and we are still loading/building website pages! The March 2014 issue needs to go up today.

As they say in the south...Git'r done.....

Happy Monday.

Wednesday, April 2, 2014


Just as the headline in our local paper announces that our greater metro area made the "allergy capitals" list, I wake up with a raging headache. I've actually been using allergy eye drops, nasal spray, and an allergy pill in an effort to avoid such headaches! Blerg.

So, sorry for the abbreviated post, but I'm just not feeling it today. And as my day will be spent moving text to the new website, my eye balls aren't relishing the idea of staring at a screen any more than they have to.

So, happy Wednesday to you....catch ya tomorrow!

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

they call it teenage dystopia

Oi Vey. I used to like reading dsytopian themed YA books. Can't really say that is true anymore. They are a dime a dozen, they all start to blur together into one massive plot with a romantic triangle, and the writing is spotty at best.

Maybe that is why I'm intrigued with the Mortal Instruments series. It isn't dystopia. I think I'm going to see about borrowing it and determine for myself whether or not the writing is as bad as Twilight.

Veronica Roth's "Divergent" was okay. It is another "civilization has collapsed" story where people organize themselves into what are effectively tribes. Each group has an aptitude for a type of behavior. So, what happens if you display an aptitude for more than one behavior? Well, then you are divergent. The heroine is a divergent. The book is dark, as most dystopian novels are, lots of angst and violence. Kids beating each other up, parents dying, evil leaders....it checks all the boxes.

I usually plod through entire series so I can have an opinion on the body of work, but I'm not sure I'm going to waste my time anymore on some of these YA books that just don't work for me.

Now, that being said, I would much rather a kid read this than play a video game. If it gets them reading and keeps them reading...fine.

You never know what will be a person's gateway book. Better this than the true teenage wasteland where reading novels for fun goes to die.

Happy Tuesday!