Wednesday, November 14, 2012

writing letters

My boss sent me a link for the most wonderful blog. Letters of Note offers a variety of historic letters for your reading pleasure. Sometimes the letters are sad and sometimes they are funny, but in the week I have been subscribed to their email list, I've never been disappointed in the writing, content, or topic.

I was once an avid letter writer. I wrote to my grandparents on a regular basis. I had two pen pals in England and one in Virginia. I wrote letter after letter all the way through college.

Letters were the thing until the arrival of the first home computer and the dawn of the email age. Now people tweet, facebook, instant message and email. Letters are not written too often. Although while they live under my roof,  I do insist my children write thank you notes when they receive a gift.

My grandmother kept the letters I sent to her and my mom just recently returned them to me. She found them when she was cleaning out my grandmother's home. It is such a window into the past, a quick glimpse of my teenage self.

Take a peek at the Letters of Note blog and read some of the letters there.

Happy Wednesday!

1 comment:

Kim Smith said...

It is very sad that letter writing is such a thing of the past. I remember taking a course in school to perfect penmanship so that readers of your letters could have an easy time of it!!!