Thursday, January 12, 2012

ta da........yawn

Ta da! Yep. There it is. Thursday. My last work day of the work week. This week flew by and I now have a four day weekend ahead after my 6  hour stint today. I have some Friends work to do, newsletter edits and website tweaks. I have a book to read on my Nook. I have household duties and chores to complete. The list goes on and on.

But, first, I have a stew to throw together and get into the crockpot for dinner tonight. One thing at a time, yes, I know that. But, for some reason my brain was working all night long instead of resting and I kept waking up and finally decided at 4:30 that it was time to rise and shine.

Not sure why some nights are so restless, but last night was not restful in the least.

Oh to chop some vegetables and brown off some beef.

Happy Thursday! Enjoy your weekend and see you on Monday.

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