Tuesday, December 6, 2011

books into movies

Just saw where Anne Rice posted that her book, Christ the Lord: Out of Egypt, will be made into a movie. She seems thrilled with the husband and wife team who have adapted the novel into a screenplay and just as excited about the fact that Christopher Columbus is directing it.

I've never gotten over the fact Hollywood cast Tom Cruise as Lestat. Blech. Even though Interview with the Vampire was a much better movie than Queen of the Damned, I thought Stewart Townsend did a wonderful job as Lestat.

The Hunger Games will be coming to the big screen soon and I'm anxious to see how that book translates into a movie. I was pleased with the choice of actress for Katniss.

Books into movies.....I was never a fan until they brought the Harry Potter ones to life on the big screen. It can be done, and it can be done well.

Here's wishing Anne Rice good luck with this transformation!


The English Teacher said...

And I'm not so thrilled with Harry Potter. Yeah, they cast the actors well, but they changed so many things and left out so much. Of course they had to, but still.... Plus, once a kids' book is a movie, kids don't read it anymore. For years, LOTR was safe because no one could film it. Now it's ruined. Forever. Sigh.

EYR said...

I agree the HP series of movies wasn't perfect, but soooo much better than most. I was pretty happy with LOTR, again, my expectations were very low and I was pleasantly surprised with the final product.

Kim Smith said...

i loved both sets, HP and LOTR as movies. I felt the filmmakers worked hard to keep it as close to the book as possible -- a very hard thing to do.