Monday, April 12, 2010

good stuff

Lots of good stuff around here. The Friends had a successful Spring Book Sale. We made more money than my target goal. I found ten books at the sale to replenish my 'to be read' pile. I snagged five literary fiction titles and five trashy paranormal romance titles. I'm alternating between the two genres and am having fun discovering some new authors. I also found the majority of the required reading titles for my oldest's English class for next year. Spent a little and saved a TON. Yeah. I was also able to help out the neighbor's daughter, who will be taking the same class, as we had multiple copies at the sale. My good deed for the week.

The girls played some good soccer this weekend and emerged unscathed from the intense state qualifying rounds.

The weather was beautiful and we are slowly getting the yard and flower beds reclaimed. Mulch is on my horizon. I love to see those beds all neat, clean and full of weed choking mulch.

TCAP week starts today for the youngest, who is thrilled beyond belief to be taking these tests and having the chance to 'blow them out of the water.' I think he is thrilled because TCAP week means no homework, lots of extra recess time and plenty of snacks.

So, as we really settle into April, lots of good stuff all around.

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