Tuesday, March 2, 2010


Although our extended weather forecast is promising a warm and sunny weekend, right now the weather has a definite 'blech' feel to it. Gray. Damp. Cold. Blech.

Our visitor has departed this morning for home. Nice visit with her and although the weather could have been a bit warmer, at least she did get to see the sun for a few days.

Over the weekend I read the third book about DJ Schwenk, "Front and Center." Catherine Gilbert Murdock writes a great teen girl character, provides some real family situations, and doesn't patronize her readers one bit. While I can't say that this latest novel was my favorite in the series, it did provide some laughs and some head nods where the author hit just the right note in her dialogue and plot points. Good stuff.

The big event for today is to get the dog some food. Yep, think I will venture out to Wally World and see if they have his brand in stock and hopefully avoid the trip to TSC.

C'mon Mr. Sun.....don't make us wait for the weekend to see that warm, bright glow.

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