Wednesday, February 6, 2008

sound the alarm

We actually had some bad weather in our county yesterday, but as the storms moved across, our town was spared the worst of it. Other folks weren't as lucky. Nothing really happened until well after all the kids were home from school and with some of the schools dismissing midday, they were home well ahead of even the first rain drop. Several tornadoes crossed over and made it as far east as Nashville. So, the weathermen were right, but they really need to tone down the hype early on. It makes folks numb to it. One of them actually came on the tv and told everyone in his audience to calm down. When you have to say that, something is seriously out of whack.

I think we've become so use to the alarms sounding that we are nearing tone deafness. The whole fear factor thing sets my teeth on edge.

As my state was one of the Super Tuesday participants, I've been treated to phone calls from both parties asking for my vote. Because my hubby likes to yank chains, we've had everyone from McCain to Obama calling plus anyone else running, including the candidate for local dog catcher. That's what happens when you answer the first few polling calls with not quite honest answers. We both voted early and split our support. By the time the calls started in earnest, it was a mute point.

I don't even want to tell you the number of calls that said the words 'islamofascist' or some other hot button phrase. Frankly, I lost track. I'd be interested to know if the politics of fear were targeted to my state's contest or if it is the national tactic of some campaigns.

Fear is an amazing motivator. Which leads me to writing. Enough politics. I find I'm experiencing a bit of fear when it comes to finishing this round of edits on the wip. I've been doing the nut and bolts sort of stuff and should finish this week. Then comes the big tweaking, the slash and burn of several sections I know need an overhaul. I fear the whole 'making it worse before it gets better' thing because I fear I will make such a mess I'll never be able to whip it back into shape. Make sense or are my neurosis showing?

I think this fear has held me captive and kept me in nuts and bolts land instead of in major rewrite land......not a good thing. I need to get over it.

On a totally different note, I checked out "The Luxe" from the library. It is a YA historical/chicklit book that hit the NYT bestsellers list. I just about closed it for good and set it in the stack to return to the library today, but made enough progress to actually have a shot at finishing it. I haven't quite figured out why this book made a bestsellers many better YA books out there. I'm going to do some investigation into the agent and the publicity firm behind this one. They must have really pulled out all the stops. The book just isn't very good.

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