Friday, May 11, 2007

the finish line

Not going to do my weekly recap today because the biggest thing that happened was finishing the WIP.

I crossed the 85 thou word mark yesterday and have now officially finished my first draft. I'm eager to set the piece aside and start a new story. It was rough going yesterday. The words didn't flow and I'm not sure if I'm thrilled with the ending the muse provided. It works for now, but I have a gut feeling some major things might change in those last twenty pages. Some time away from it will help.

I've been jotting down plot threads that will need attention once I return to the piece. I should compile them into something less haphazard. Right now some are written down on the back of grocery store receipts. I really need to put a notebook in the van for those moments I'm waiting to pick up a child.

Busy soccer weekend ahead for us as the seasons wind down. The only other thing of note is that I wrote my last Herald column yesterday. I am taking the summer off and may not return in the fall. I have new challenges at the old library and doing free publicity for them may not figure into my volunteer efforts.

Have a good weekend!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good post.