Wednesday, March 6, 2013

snow plows and daffodils

Up north in the land of our former home, they just got walloped with yet another winter storm. As of this morning they have a good nine inches of snow and more is falling. My sister in law sent my hubby a picture of three plows going down the road, basically side by side, to show the kids.  My kids, especially the boy, have forgotten what real winter is. The girls always talk about wanting to move back north, not so much for the weather, but to escape the 'red state' mentality. I'm sure they could adapt to northern winters, but I don't think it would be fun for them.

I would much rather look out my kitchen window at the daffodils blooming and wonder at the small but that has opened on my azalea bush.

That is what March is supposed to be.  I used to escape March in Indiana and head to Florida to visit my grandparents for spring break. I did that several times while I was in college and even after I graduated. I needed a week to warm up, see the sun, and remember that the cold, gray, snowiness that is March in Indiana will eventually give way to spring like temps and skies. It was always fun to see my grandparents and get pampered for a week too! Lots of good food to eat and a slower pace to enjoy.

Where we live now works well for me. We had snowflakes in the air all day on Saturday, but not one would stick. It looked wintry and festive, but I could look around and see forsythia blooming as well as daffodils.

It is Wednesday! This week is zipping by. I need to start thinking about what to pack for San Antonio next week.

Enjoy the day.

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