Monday, February 20, 2012

downton finale

Delicious. I parked myself on the sofa last night and watched the guilty pleasure that is Downton Abbey. The season finale came much too soon, but what a wonderful episode. And I continue to be amazed at the wonderful lines they give Maggie Smith!

I managed to finish two books this past week. The first, "To Serve a King" by Donna Russo Morin tells the story of a supposed orphan who is raised by her aunt to be an assassin. Her 'vocation' is the wish of King Henry VIII who hopes she will one day eliminate the King of France. Of course, when she finds herself in the French court, her opinions change as to who her true King is. It was okay.

Then, after a fairly long wait, I was able to finally download the last Janet Evanovich book, "Explosive Eighteen" onto my Nook. When I first put a hold on this title, I was 19th in line. Took about a month to get a copy, and in this situation the consortium actually purchased five copies for downloading. It was worth the wait. You know what you are going to get when you read a Stephanie Plum novel, and Evanovich delivers a madcap escapade with Steph and all her 'peeps.'

Up right now is the latest John Grey book from Diana Gabaldon. This one features Jamie Fraser and is set during the "Voyager" time frame in her Outlander series featuring Jamie and Claire.

I noticed that since the new year, 11 of the 13 books I have read were via my Nook. Quite a strong statement about the convenience of this device and how easily I was hooked!

Happy Monday!


Lisa Shafer said...

Glad you're enjoying your e-reader. I wonder about buying one, but I'm not sure the cost would justify how much I'd use it.

EYR said...

I am loving my e-reader, but most likely wouldn't have purchased the high end model my hubby gave me for Christmas. I'd have stayed with a more budget friendly version. Now, that being said, I think you might enjoy the convenience of having one and after a while would consider it a wise investment.

Kim Smith said...

I got a Nook for Christmas and as of right now it is broken. I cannot get it to go to the library- in fact, cannot get it off the lock screen. Sigh. Such is my life these days.

EYR said...

Oh Kim! I'm so sorry to hear of your Nook trouble. Technology is great...until is breaks!!